Clients from Denmark, traveled up to Mt Abu. Their evasions was to do hike.
Our primary reason why we wanted to Mt Abu, was really to trek in some beautiful mountains. Therefore Rasmus had called a wizard named Charles, and agreed on a trekking time. He had not mentioned anything about that we lacked a hotel, so we were therefore something that we had a reservation at the budget hotel we tried us in when we arrived to the city. Charles had apparently informed them that there was a young couple from Udaipur which was to trek with him, so they would not keep a room ready "just in chase we needed one." The hotel was really nice, but a small cafe where you could get cheap and good food. Here, the visitors mainly from the hotel, so it was very warm and friendly, but the husband and wife helping each other in the kitchen to make our food.
The day after we were picked up at 8:30 am one of Mt Abus "tuktuker". Now, the fact that - for Sif utmost satisfaction - is illegal to drive tuktuk in Mt Abu, that's why one alternative ... jeep taxis! Yay! Sif could thus satisfy some of her hunger to run in all-terrain vehicles, on our way to trekking tour starting point. We met here Charles, who handed us each a bamboo walking stick, and then it was off. Our first stop on the tour was a small mountain lake, where we spotted a crocodile lying on the shore. This would prove to be the only large animals we saw on our walk, although we could have seen, snakes, deer, leopards, hyenas and bears. After enjoying the peace and quiet at the mountain lake went or briskly upward. We spent the next hour to climb a mountain, but a rocky shooting called "The Three Sisters of Mt Abu." As we walked told Charles about everything from wildlife to history posed by oneself. At the top we held a tea, and relaxation-meditation break. The view from here was mildly magnificent. The mountain range we befandte us stretched as far as the eye could see to the north and south, while the town of Mt Abu was surrounded by mountains and lakes to the east. To the West ended the mountain abrupt, and we could see fields, cities and a quarry not far from our position. After tea we moved off. Charles chatted still there when we finally reached the small mountain lake where our one crocodile had now been joined by another. The time was about 12 when we got back to the city and said goodbye to Charles.